Kubernetes Security
- Kubernetes Security | Operating Kubernetes Clusters and Applications Safely
- freach/kubernetes-security-best-practice: Kubernetes Security - Best Practice Guide
- external-secrets/kubernetes-external-secrets: Integrate external secret management systems with Kubernetes
- bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets: A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
- Using RBAC Authorization - Kubernetes
- cruise-automation/rbacsync: Automatically sync groups into Kubernetes RBAC
- aquasecurity/kubectl-who-can: Show who has RBAC permissions to perform actions on different resources in Kubernetes
- deepfence/ThreatMapper: Identify vulnerabilities in running containers, images, hosts and repositories
- aquasecurity/starboard: Kubernetes-native security toolkit
- aquasecurity/kube-hunter: Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
- aquasecurity/kube-bench: Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark